Time Management Skills: The Pomodoro Technique

28/11/2013 14:28

time management skillsThe Pomodoro Technique, though it sounds odd is actually an effective method to boost your productivity at work. It was conceptualized by Francesco Cirillo in 1992 when he was having a tough time juggling his studies at a university. He named the technique after his timer which is shaped like a tomato. "Pomodoro" is an Italian word which means "tomato." This explains the name of the technique. 


The Pomodoro Technique is a time chunking method inteded to improve one's time management. Its general concept is to set a timer for a certain chunk of time, which is 25 minutes. One pomodoro is equals to 25 minutes of uninterrupted and focused work on just one task . The person takes a break once the timer goes off.


The basic principle of this time management technique is that each pomodoro should not be broken down. For instance, you cannot work for half a pomodoro (12 1/2 minutes) and then proceeed after a while, or the next hour. The technique simply does not work that way. It is all or nothing. If something very urgent and important happens which prevents you from completing one pomodoro, cancel it and start over. 


A five-minute break comes after each pomodoro. The break's length can be extended, like when you are exhausted. But taking a break must not be too long. Otherwise, you will have a tougher time getting back into the rythym of your work. The breaktime after finishing four pomodoros is supposed to be 15 minutes. 


For smart time management skills and strategies, visit the website of ICML, a specialised, Melbourne-based organisation aimed to provide professional and effective management and leadership training courses: https://icml.com.au.