Top 4 Mistakes New Managers Should Avoid

28/11/2013 21:03

leadership training courses in melbourneBeing an employee and managing people are two very different things, which require different duties and responsibilities. So once you are promoted to be the new manager, there are a lot of things you need to change in the way you see and approach things. Here are the top mistakes new managers should avoid:   

1. Not taking the time to develop relationships. As one progresses through his career, it's the quality of his professional relationships that has a much greater impact on his success. Focus on getting to know the members of your team to help you understand how you would be able to guarantee their success, as well as yours. 

2. Changing too much too soon. Newly promoted leaders or managers tend to rush in and make major changes in how things are done. But keep in mind that you do not have to reinvent the wheel simply because something is not done in the same manner as you would do it. Remember that it does not mean it is wrong. Before implementing huge changes, take the time to understand your new designation. Observe your team and make sure you get their support.     

3. Not discussing objectives and goals. Making sure that each one understands clearly and agrees on the priorities and goals of the team is very important. Do not assume that each of them is on the same page. Keep them informed of critical deadlines, priorities, goals, and how success should be measured. Discuss how all of these fit into the overall objective of the team and/or the company as a whole. Encourage feedback and questions to make sure misunderstandings (if any) are determined early. 


4. Not delegating. Not letting go of the tasks you used to do before you were promoted can become a challeng, particularly if you've been promoted internally. This may result in job frustration and dissatisfaction, and burnout on your part, as well as your team's. Delegating tasks will give you time to focus on and develop your new responsibilities. 

For effective people management strategies, sign up for ICML's well-developed leadership training courses in Melbourne. Visit their website to learn more: